Divorce Statistics Lowest for 50 Years

Divorce Statistics reveal lowest figure for 50 Years

According to the latest statistics, divorces granted in England and Wales have reached their lowest level for 50 years.

According to legal experts, possible reason for this may be the cost-of-living crisis, with couples deciding to stay together because of the financial challenges of legal separation.

According to the Office for National Statistics, there were 80,057 divorces granted in England and Wales in 2022, which is the lowest number of divorces since 1971. This figure is down by nearly 30% compared to 2021 when there were 113,505 divorces granted.

There were a total of 78,759 opposite-sex divorces in 2022, the lowest number since 1971 when there were 74,437 divorces. The number of civil partnership dissolutions also fell to the lowest recorded since 2010. In 2022 there were 525 civil partnership dissolutions, including same-sex and opposite-sex couples, a 22.8% decrease compared with 2021 when there were 680 dissolutions.

The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act came into effect in April 2022, which reformed the legal requirements and process for divorce. The changes were intended to reduce the potential for conflict between divorcing couples allowing them to end their marriage jointly and remove the ability to make allegations about the conduct of a spouse. Although financial matters within any divorce/dissolution will still need to be resolved.

The Act also introduced new mandatory waiting periods and the lower number of divorces seen in 2022 “may partially reflect the introduction of new minimum waiting periods, meaning that divorces applied for after 6 April 2022 may take longer to reach final order”, according to the Office of National Statistics.

At JW Hughes & Co. we have a large family law department, headed by Phil Kentish. We cannot say that we have noticed any reduction in divorces or separations coming into our offices in Llandudno and Conwy or online across the country. So, if you are separating and need help and advice, please contact our friendly team of family lawyers on 01492 874774 or 596596 or email mail@jwhlaw.co.uk