Domestic Abuse and Your Options

Everyone has a right to feel safe and protected. Here at J W Hughes & Co, we have a specialised team of family solicitors dedicated to offering you clear advice and support about the options available to you to help you feel more protected as a victim of domestic abuse. The two main protective orders are Non-Molestation Orders and Occupation Orders. 

Domestic abuse covers a wide gambit of abuse from emotional, psychological, physical, sexual, and financial. Many victims endure controlling and coercive behaviour at the hands of their perpetrators and often are too afraid to seek advice or protection. Those who have reported incidents to the police where the outcome has not been favourable i.e., no further action is taken, may feel disheartened and uncertain of their options. 


J W Hughes & Co have offices in Llandudno and Conwy with family solicitors who will explain your options clearly and guide you through the process. 


Legal Aid is means and merits tested. J W Hughes & Co offer Legal Aid to clients that are victims of domestic abuse. We can discuss the eligibility criteria with you in more detail during the initial consultation.

Non-molestation Orders:

This is an Order preventing an associated person from harassing or molesting you/a child. The conditions of the order can be stipulated by the Applicant, but it essentially prohibits the perpetrators from doing something.

Occupation Order: 

An occupation order grants the Applicant the right to live in the dwelling-house. The Court has the power to decide who should or should not reside in all or part of the house, and how long for. The Court will base this decision on the balance of harm test and the core criteria test. The Court can attach a power of arrest at their discretion if they feel it is necessary and proportionate.

J W Hughes & Co solicitors have ample experience helping clients apply for Non-Molestation orders and Occupation Orders. To find out more information please contact one of our family solicitors at J W Hughes & Co on 01492 874774 for the Llandudno office or 01492 596596 for the Conwy office.